Tiffany Bolton's Info - The Unofficial X Show Website

Tiffany Bolton

      Tiffany came onto the show sometime around the middle of the first season but stayed sort of under the radar, that is, until her appearances began to show off her true nature. A delicate balance between the sweet, innocent, girl next door, and the wild, born leader, party chick. In the game, Guess My Profession we learned that she was a jeweler before her work on The X Show, which included her very own bumper segment entitled, "Sketching the Naked Figure With Tiffany Bolton." She later appeared in the second series of, "Workin' It at Home With Heidi Fleiss," bumpers filling in for Shannon Malone. Not only that, she represented for the show at the season opener for Toughman on FX serving as one of the ring escorts, and taped a few bumpers for them also.
     What's she been up to lately? -- Her agency, along with CED Talent Agency
Otomix catalog -- Sign up for a free catalog where she models the latest sportswear. -- Check her out modeling swimsuits.
Rojumpix -- If your up late at night, you might be able to catch this infomercial featuring Tiffany as the "after" girl, showing off her flat stomach, shapely thighs, and sculpted buns. No pics at the site though.

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